Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome to Cyprus driving...


  • people usually drive in the middle of the street. Why do we need left and right lanes anyway?
  • people park on the street. A two lane street becomes one..A one lane street means that you have to get in the opposite lane.
  • people park on the sidewalk/ pavements. What? You thought that those are made for pedestrians? Not in Cyprus where anyone has the right to park their car on the sidewalk. Fortunately our government has a solution for that. They will put poles on the sidewalks to prevent cars from parking there..which will probably increase people parking ON the street but who the hell cares? One problem at a time.
  • even though we say we drive on the left side of the road, it is not true..we drive in the middle most of the time
  • drivers will keep the maximum half a foot distance from the car in front of them.
  • if you are late for about 2 seconds when the light turns green you will probably hear about 200 horns, you will see a lot of middle fingers and probably hear something about your family.
  • if you are driving with a speed of less than 20km/h MORE than the speed limit you will get the same reactions as above.
  • Orange light means speed up so you can pass the traffic lights. Usually the first 2 seconds of red mean the same too.
  • there are traffic lights almost every 100 meters.
  • the concept of carpooling is so hard to understand.
  • it is considered normal to speak on your phone, do your makeup, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, drink coffee, smoke a cigarette WHILE driving, ALL at the same time.



Unknown said...

can you please take a picture of some of these occurrences? it makes me laugh!

The Carpenter said...

That's a great idea Rachel. Let me get my hands on a camera and I will start doing that.