Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The first 24 hours

It has been about 24 hours now that I am back in Cyprus and about 48 since I left the U.S. The trip back to Cyprus was OK. I could complain for British Airways having only one employee at check-in which required me to wait for about 45 minutes to just receive my boarding passes. I could also complain about the personal TV screen on my seat which was the only one on the plane which was not working. I could also complain about the guy next to me who was on a mission trip to Kenya with his church and was asking me all these questions about the Greek Orthodox Church before telling him that he is asking the wrong guy. I could complain for the flight back to Cyprus and my surrounding with little kids crying. But I will not complain because I am sure that sometime, somebody’s else TV screen was not working, because sometime I am sure I was (or will be) the annoying guy next to somebody, because somebody I will be the one with the little kids on the plane.

So back to Cyprus. And you know you are back as soon as you get off the plane and there is a hot breeze hitting your face and body and you need to start taking off clothes immediately. Passport “control” was as always a joke that only lasts about 2 for opening the passport and one for closing it and handing it back to you. My luggage was surprisingly one of the first to come in, and I was soon on my way home. Greeted by my grandmother who followed the same sequence of questions as always “How was your flight?”, “How is Molly?”, “Are you hungry, do you want something to eat?”.

Unpacking for the next few hours was more difficult than I thought. For a guy, I have a lot of clothes and not being able to fit them in 4 closets is quite ridiculous. I am going to have to give away some of them soon. Shower and visit to my brother who was still at the office working for catching up and stuff. Back home, worked a little bit with my mum and then off to my older brother to see him and his family. The nephews are much more talkative than I remember them. It was a pleasure seeing them try to show me whatever they had learned..all the animals in their books and counting in both English and Greek.

On the way home I get the usual call from my uncle to welcome me home. Other than the immediate family he is always the only one to regularly call me and welcome me on the first day I am back. I know that he is reading this now, and I know that if I tell my readers that he is the coolest uncle for someone who is only in his early 40’s will put a smile in his face.

Back home for dinner and then off to Marios and Efi for catching up with them. Their home is close to me and I never need invitation to get there which makes it like a second home for me. I usually just call and tell them that I am on the way. A lot of talk, and a Jack and coke later, I am home where I call Molly before going to sleep. I have beaten the usual jetlag this time, I believe by sleeping in until 10.30.

Wake up, shower and at the office..taking care of business, fixing resume and getting in touch with people. First 24 hours over. Even though now it is about 27 hours.


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