Monday, June 29, 2009

Squash, pool, sun and pilota

The title pretty much sums up my weekend. If I had to start from Friday night though, I would also have to include the Friday night drinks at Maze and the bill for 30 Euros which was a mistake before getting us the right one for 198 Euros.

Saturday we spent the day at Laiki Sporting Club. We started with a 45 minute game of squash, me against Christophoros. It was the first time I played a competitive sport (pilota excluded) after my back surgery 14 months ago. It was a close game but at the end I lost. We spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool, swimming and playing pilota. The sun made us too tired to go out at night, so we spent the rest of the night playing pilota and watching Dark Knight.

A very similar schedule was set up for Sunday. Laiki Sporting club, squash for about an hour (only this time I won), swim and pilota. Oh and some lunch in between. A lunch which we skipped because we were playing pilota and we went to the restaurant after the kitchen closed. After a few beggings, the manager decided to give us all he had left over and he brought us food for about 10 people. Calamari, souvla, chicken nuggets, potatoes, salad. In real people there were 4 of us, in food people there were 7 - Marios counted for 2.5, Chris for 2, me for 1.5 and Efi for 1.

We closed Sunday night with...guess what..Pilota at Marios house.

Another fun weekend is over. My buttocks are sore from playing squash but at least I burned a few calories of the drinks I had last week.


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