Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One year ago...

At this time this year ago, I was in terrible pain. I could barely walk, sit, stand or lay in bed because of a ruptured disc in my back. It was the worst pain that I have ever experienced in my life.

On April 24th, 2008 I had a surgery to fix my disc. One hour after the surgery, I walked into the car and I came home. Four days later, I went to school and eight days later I went to a trip in North Carolina (changing two flights..have to thank Katie and Joe here for helping me out).

21 days later, I flew from Indianapolis to Cyprus and after staying there for 3 days I moved to London for the summer, where I was commuting 1.30-2 hours to work every day using the tube.

Five and a half months after the surgery I started physiotherapy with some basic exercises.

Six and a half months after the surgery I ran for the first time for 4 consecutive minutes.

9 months after the surgery, I started lifting weights for the first time.

12 months after the surgery, I regularly run about 15Km every week (3 times a week 5KM each time).

Most of the pain in my back is gone. Sometimes it gets worse and it starts bothering me for a few days or week. I can also feel some pain on the nerve of my leg which was injured because of the disc touching it for few months. I have quit everything that has to do with team sports and even though I feel bad about it, I figured out that I should not take any chances any more.
My new goal is to be able to run 5Km without stopping by mid-June.

P.S What a game between Liverpool and Arsenal yesterday!! For the goals and my opinion on Liverpool check out my other blog by clicking here.

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