Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Miami trip

Molly and I spent our Spring Break in Miami this March. I started writing a detailed post of each of our days there but I thought that would soon get boring, so I decided to just list the highlights of our trip:

- The first day, I found out that combining rum, wine and vodka is not...screw a very bad, very bad idea. Ask Molly about trying to get me to the hotel room. She has some funny stories, even though I believe she is exaggerating. Well, I will give her the benefit since I was in no condition to verify anything.

- Obviously following from the first highlight, another highlight was my worst hangover ever. As a true hero though, I did make it to the beach early the next day. And paid about $40 for an umbrella and two sunbeds. Talk about ripping off.

- Nikki beach is always a highlight on Sundays. Best place to be on a Sunday night. Good music, nice people watching, nice atmosphere in general. We enjoyed it.

- Meeting the New York boys at Nikki beach. How we met them? Molly heard one of them saying a Greek word and asked them if they just talked in Greek.

- To the NY boys if they ever read this blog, listen carefully. Yes, there are people and life outside New York. New York is not the greatest pizza in the world and the Yankees are not the most popular sports team in the world because you saw apparel in Spain. And please open a U.S map. Being an American and asking where Indiana is, is just annoyingly stupid. Not funny, stupid.

- Shopping. How can you not love Lincoln avenue and all the shops there? Molly and I certainly did.

- Lincoln avenue is definitely by far the best nightlife spot. Let me say when I say nightlife - for us old people - I mean after 9 and before 2. Great cafes, great restaurants and great bars. Favorite time: Sitting in a bar/ cafe with Molly drinking wine and smoking nargile.

This is all I can remember for now. It was a great trip, but I have had enough of Miami. Two times are enough. New destination next time!


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