Thursday, April 30, 2009

My favorite TV shows

1) Damages:
Thanks to a good friend who introduced me to this series. Actionable, twisting plots, excellent first season. A MUST Watch!

2) Lost:
Loved the first 3 seasons but after that it started to get too sci-fi. Too many characters to follow but that gives it a nice twist on the character development along with the story development. Good if you have nothing else to do.

3) Californication
This is a good watch. David Duchovny in a role that we are not used to. This is an enjoyable watch, again if you have nothing better to do. The episodes are short too ~ 25 minutes each

4) Desperate Housewives
Maybe I should not admit this publicly..but who cares. Yes, I watch it because I like it:).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Recap of the Little 500 week.

"Greatest college event in the world". I really don't know if that is true but I do know that the Little 500 race at Indiana University is an excuse for alumni to come back in town, from students of other schools to visit for the weekend, for college students to get drunk throughout the week...and for the police and the bars to make some extra money.

All I know is that this is my 6th Little 500 and I really feel like I am getting old. Not too much partying, not too much alcohol and a Sunday night feeling that I have violated my body. And just to prove my point that I don't really care about Little 500, Molly and I went camping with some good friends. I have to admit that I am not a camping fan, but it was fun to get out for a while. It was kind of hard chasing the bears, hunting the boars fishing in the lake and looking after the girls who were scared but it was all worth it. If anybody claims that any of these did not happen it is because they were drunk and do not remember.

Of course, the highlight of the camping was that right next to us, a fraternity had a camping party..with loud music and about 200 college kids getting drunk. Who can forget the three girls who came to our camping side thinking that they could use their girly skills so that they could get some food from the guys. Little did they know that our girls get rid of them quickly (btw, Molly thanks for inviting them over). And who can forget little Will who asked for some food so that he could close the deal with a girl..Will if you ever read this, I hope you remember the Thanksgiving.

Molly and I finished the beautiful weekend, by cooking pork chops, sausages and halloumi on the grill and eating outside. Batteries recharged for the last two weeks of school.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One year ago...

At this time this year ago, I was in terrible pain. I could barely walk, sit, stand or lay in bed because of a ruptured disc in my back. It was the worst pain that I have ever experienced in my life.

On April 24th, 2008 I had a surgery to fix my disc. One hour after the surgery, I walked into the car and I came home. Four days later, I went to school and eight days later I went to a trip in North Carolina (changing two flights..have to thank Katie and Joe here for helping me out).

21 days later, I flew from Indianapolis to Cyprus and after staying there for 3 days I moved to London for the summer, where I was commuting 1.30-2 hours to work every day using the tube.

Five and a half months after the surgery I started physiotherapy with some basic exercises.

Six and a half months after the surgery I ran for the first time for 4 consecutive minutes.

9 months after the surgery, I started lifting weights for the first time.

12 months after the surgery, I regularly run about 15Km every week (3 times a week 5KM each time).

Most of the pain in my back is gone. Sometimes it gets worse and it starts bothering me for a few days or week. I can also feel some pain on the nerve of my leg which was injured because of the disc touching it for few months. I have quit everything that has to do with team sports and even though I feel bad about it, I figured out that I should not take any chances any more.
My new goal is to be able to run 5Km without stopping by mid-June.

P.S What a game between Liverpool and Arsenal yesterday!! For the goals and my opinion on Liverpool check out my other blog by clicking here.

Monday, April 20, 2009

5 favorite Sitcom characters...and some of their lines

This time, I will start from number 5 and go to number 1.

5) Larry from "Three's Company".

He is Jack's best friend, a used car salesman and a womanizer (he is of Greek descent if that says anything)

4) Jake from "Two and a Half Men".

He is Alan's son in the show. He spends most of his time eating pizza, watching TV and making a fool of his dad. A quote:

Jake [about Chelsea being sick]: Maybe she has an std
Charlie: What?
Jake: It means sexually transmitted disease
Charlie: I know what STDs are
Alan: Your uncle helped invent them
Jake: You know they can be prevented by using a condom?
Charlie: I know we could have prevented you by using a condom

3) Ross from "Friends"

Who doesn't love this guy who got married...three times, is a paleontologist and a science geek.

Ross: I have to go to China
Joey: The country?
Ross: No, the big pile of dishes in my mother's breakfront

Ross (walking down the aisle at Chandler and Monica's wedding): Wow this is the first time I have walked down the aisle without the possibility of it ending in a divorce.

2) Charlie Harper from "Two and a Half Men"

You just have to love this guy. Rich, successful, womanizer, never wants to get married, happy, the exact opposite of his brother Alan. Quotes:

Charlie: Alan, there's something you should know about me. When I say "I understand", it doesn't mean I agree, it doesn't mean I understand, it doesn't even mean I'm listening

Charlie: Hey, how can you tell that an elephant has been in your refrigerator?
Jake: How?
Charlie: There's footprints in the cheesecake.
Jake: But we don't have a cheesecake.
Charlie: That's the part you don't buy?

And number 1 goes to......who else?

1) Al Bundy from "Married with Children"

Shoe salesman, poor, failure, hates his family and his life. Quotes:

Al (coming home from work): Home, sweet hell

Al: I am not paying for mistakes. I've been doing that since I got married

Peg asking for sex:
Al: Sorry Peg, can't do it two nights in a row. I'm Al "the Mail Man" Bundy, I only do special deliveries!
Peg: Yes Al, but mail men are slow, and deliver EVERY day.
Al: Yes but they don't always go to the same house!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

No, no it is not okay!

*Warning: The following post might contain inappropriate language. Read at your discretion.

Just got home from another night out in Bloomington and I am so annoyed that I wanted to share all my feelings with you.
To the legislators of the United States: Please reconsider the minimum age for consumption of alcohol. Please make it from 21 to 41. It is not fucking okay to drink, get drunk and just think that you own the place. Do not fucking step on my foot. I only have two of them and I need them both. Do not fall all over my table. My beer is there and I paid for it and I do not want it spilled all over me. Do not fall down on me. I do not want you to touch me.
There are so many innovative gadgets coming out every day. Why can't somebody invent a stupid little gadget that will measure your IQ and will determine whether you can have more than one alcoholic drink.

Anyway, now that is out of my system. This is what happened. We were walking to the bar with Molly, holding hands when a group of guys, about 20-30 of them came around the corner. They were talking the universal American know those vowels such as "AAAAHHH", "EEEE", "OOOOOOO", when one of them stupidly enough thought that it would be a good idea to distract my good spirits and try to walk between Molly and me while we were holding hands. When we resisted and he insisted, I had to push him back and I also gave him a kick on his leg. Two things I regret: That I did not punch the guy in the face so hard in order to remember me for the rest of his life when looking at the mirror, or kicking him somewhere where it would prevent him to reproduce any more stupid idiots like him. In retrospect, I know what I did was stupid because they were 30 of them and it was just me. I am glad though that there were some of them smart enough to get him out of the way and apologize to us. Sometimes I wish I could just ignore idiots and drunks like him, and I really try my best but I also appreciate it when people respect me. It is not OK to get drunk and wasted and just falling all over people or not caring about them. Read this again: Being drunk does not give you the excuse of doing that. No, no, no it is not OK.

Thanks for reading. Have a good night!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My favorite three past-time movies

Considering that I rarely watched movies when I was young, I should name the title "The only three movies that I remember watching more than 10 times" but oh we go.

Highlight of the film is of course Rick Vaughn's appearance through the stadium entrance doors at the last game against the NY Yankees. The stadium erupts, singing "Wild thing, you make my heart sing". The owner turns to the person next to her (I don't remember the relationship) and says "I hate this fucking song". Rick Vaughn is wearing his sexy thick eye glasses and you all know how it ends. In case you don't here is a clip from the final game:

Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger in this comedy used to crack me up. I have seen this movie so many times that I could tell you exactly what happened at any point of the movie. Highlight is of course when Arnold walks in the street and comes across a Sylvester Stalone poster on a wall. He sees the biceps of Sylvester and then grabs his and starts laughing..hahaha

3)I bet nobody has seen this movie before. I don't even know why I watched it, but I remember that I loved it and watched it again and again and again. A guy falls in love with a tennis player and in order to grab her attention he dresses as a girl and starts playing tennis with her..Hilarious...ok, it was just 1989!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Miami trip

Molly and I spent our Spring Break in Miami this March. I started writing a detailed post of each of our days there but I thought that would soon get boring, so I decided to just list the highlights of our trip:

- The first day, I found out that combining rum, wine and vodka is not...screw a very bad, very bad idea. Ask Molly about trying to get me to the hotel room. She has some funny stories, even though I believe she is exaggerating. Well, I will give her the benefit since I was in no condition to verify anything.

- Obviously following from the first highlight, another highlight was my worst hangover ever. As a true hero though, I did make it to the beach early the next day. And paid about $40 for an umbrella and two sunbeds. Talk about ripping off.

- Nikki beach is always a highlight on Sundays. Best place to be on a Sunday night. Good music, nice people watching, nice atmosphere in general. We enjoyed it.

- Meeting the New York boys at Nikki beach. How we met them? Molly heard one of them saying a Greek word and asked them if they just talked in Greek.

- To the NY boys if they ever read this blog, listen carefully. Yes, there are people and life outside New York. New York is not the greatest pizza in the world and the Yankees are not the most popular sports team in the world because you saw apparel in Spain. And please open a U.S map. Being an American and asking where Indiana is, is just annoyingly stupid. Not funny, stupid.

- Shopping. How can you not love Lincoln avenue and all the shops there? Molly and I certainly did.

- Lincoln avenue is definitely by far the best nightlife spot. Let me say when I say nightlife - for us old people - I mean after 9 and before 2. Great cafes, great restaurants and great bars. Favorite time: Sitting in a bar/ cafe with Molly drinking wine and smoking nargile.

This is all I can remember for now. It was a great trip, but I have had enough of Miami. Two times are enough. New destination next time!


And..I am back

It has been a while since my last post but I will start posting more regularly now. I have added some new features on this blog for your convenience:

1. You can subscribe to this blog and receive an e-mail when there is a new post. All you have to do is enter your e-mail address on the subscription link on the side.

2. On the right I also have a list of blogs I follow. The two of them are mine and I will try to update them regularly too:)

3. Also on the right hand side is a list of popular business websites which I regularly follow.

Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to see added up here.

Stay tuned for new posts soon!
