Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just when I thought I've seen everything...

I come across this article:,2933,297121,00.html
Just to summarize..this guy decides to sue God for the natural disasters and the terrorist threats. It would be OK if he was just a guy, but he is a senator of a State...and instead of the State taking some measures, they take the case to court and they turn it down, because God has no legal address...Heeeeeeelllllooooo, check again: 112 Sky Court Road, Heaven 65221.

In other is what I promised a few weeks ago. A picture of Molly's beer with a straw in it:

I had my birthday three times in the last 1 month.
1. First I had my real birthday on September 20th.
2. Then last Saturday, we went to Little Zagreb (the restaurant in Bloomington, not the city in Croatia) for some good steak. After we had our super delicious, pretty expensive steaks, we also ordered a cheesecake to go. Molly and I placed a bet on how much the bill it would be. Nerd as I am, I quickly made the calculations in my head, I added the necessary tax and predicted $93. Molly said $88 and we placed a 5-minute massage as a bet. So, when the check came, it was $88.26. But guess what?? She forgot to add the cheesecake. Being an ethical person - and not wanting to lose my bed - I called the waitress and told her that she forgot to add the cheesecake price on the bill...and the response I got was "oh well..don't worry about's your birthday". So..I lost the bet:(
3. The MBAA Monday morning e-mail which comes out each week wrongly had my birthday as being October 20th instead of September. So on Monday, I started getting all those wishes from people and I had no idea why..until I read the Monday morning e-mail.

Done with two more classes today. 9 more before I get my MBA degree. And then I will go sue God because I do not have a job yet:)

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