Sunday, March 30, 2008

The reason we lost...

This blog post is dedicated especially to two of my blog fans..or actually to THE ONLY two blog fans I have...
I love you girls but you did not give us a chance to fairly compete on Friday. We got a 1-minute penalty because we ASSUMED that we were supposed to pop the balloons. We did not cheat..we assumed.
My objections also go for the questions you had up there.."Who was Charlize Theron engaged to?". WOW. It takes a lot of E! to know this answer. It is like I am asking you "Who was the point guard of Golden State Warriors in 1999"
I mean we even knew the questions and we could not get all the answers correct. How difficult were those questions?
Thriller by Michael Jackson? I was supposed to know that? I am supposed to know a song by some singer who was born in Gary, IN? about this question.. "Who was the lead singer for Eurovision in 1985?" Fair?
And what about the drink station? I tried putting rum in the water glass for team 3 and Erica wouldn't let me. Why, why, why??
I know you are probably laughing reading this..and I am too. I am just teasing with both of you..(even though I think we should have won). I had fun on Friday. Let's do it again soon. Melissa can you turn 26 soon?
Btw..let me not forget HIGHLIGHT of the night:
We are getting ready to leave and Molly decides that it is a good idea to put her cellphone in her camera case. I immediately turned to Nathan and told those words:
"I bet you anything in the world, she will wake up tomorrow and she will be looking all over her place for her cell-phone"
Three (3) minutes later we are in the car...and the phone rings...and guess what!! Molly cannot find it..she can't remember where she put it!!

Saturday night was fun too..well free drinks are always fun. Thanks to the MBAA Association for providing us with the drinks and to the committees who helped produce a great cultural event. It was fun to meet new people (especially Europeans) that I did not know that they were in the program.

New week tomorrow..great start with K507, followed by Market Research. 1 week left for the big presentation!!


Unknown said...

When you Assume Alkis, You make an ASS out of U and ME!!! You are just upset because Team 3 Rocked!

Unknown said...

i tried to leave a comment but it rejected me... re-do!

i made it on the blog! YES!! i feel so special.

and i can totally picture the cell phone incident happening with molly. love it!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Rachel and I are famous!

I'm glad you had fun on Friday. I will try to turn 26 as fast as I can!

Unknown said...

alkis... i thought we talked about how you needed to update your blog more often...