Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just when I thought I've seen everything...

I come across this article:,2933,297121,00.html
Just to summarize..this guy decides to sue God for the natural disasters and the terrorist threats. It would be OK if he was just a guy, but he is a senator of a State...and instead of the State taking some measures, they take the case to court and they turn it down, because God has no legal address...Heeeeeeelllllooooo, check again: 112 Sky Court Road, Heaven 65221.

In other is what I promised a few weeks ago. A picture of Molly's beer with a straw in it:

I had my birthday three times in the last 1 month.
1. First I had my real birthday on September 20th.
2. Then last Saturday, we went to Little Zagreb (the restaurant in Bloomington, not the city in Croatia) for some good steak. After we had our super delicious, pretty expensive steaks, we also ordered a cheesecake to go. Molly and I placed a bet on how much the bill it would be. Nerd as I am, I quickly made the calculations in my head, I added the necessary tax and predicted $93. Molly said $88 and we placed a 5-minute massage as a bet. So, when the check came, it was $88.26. But guess what?? She forgot to add the cheesecake. Being an ethical person - and not wanting to lose my bed - I called the waitress and told her that she forgot to add the cheesecake price on the bill...and the response I got was "oh well..don't worry about's your birthday". So..I lost the bet:(
3. The MBAA Monday morning e-mail which comes out each week wrongly had my birthday as being October 20th instead of September. So on Monday, I started getting all those wishes from people and I had no idea why..until I read the Monday morning e-mail.

Done with two more classes today. 9 more before I get my MBA degree. And then I will go sue God because I do not have a job yet:)

Monday, October 13, 2008

The morning adventure

Molly was in Indianapolis today and I had an interview so I decided that instead of taking the bus to school it would be better to get a taxi. Here is what happened in my 7 minutes in the taxi from home to school.
- On the way we picked another passenger from an orthopaedic center around here. He was going to a dorm, so I assumed that he was a freshman. He asked me if the reason I am wearing a suit and tie is because I am joining a fraternity. I told him that I am a graduate student and that I have an interview and he told me that he was supposed to wear a suit today because he is joining a fraternity.
- The taxi driver told me how much he likes his job. That was after he asked me if I am Irish (because you know, I look like Irish with my red hair) and I told him that I am Greek. I thought Cyprus might have confused him. So he told me that he loves his job because he gets to meet people from everywhere in the world.
- Following the discussion about people from everywhere he turned it into a discussion about a show..I think it is called "Man in the Wild" and he was telling me about this guy in Alaska who is not afraid of bears etc etc etc..I did switch him off and just said "Yeah"
- He also told me that he hopes that it rains so that the taxis are more busy today because they are not busy. I did bring up that they are a monopoly in the town and that when they are busy they cannot satisfy the student population. He did not reply to that. He just told me that he worked 12 hours yesterday and he only got paid for 8.
All that in 7 minutes..and it only cost me $12.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last night we went to this bar in Indianapolis, Rathskeller. I was really surprised when Molly ordered a beer because she never drinks beer. When I tried it though, I understood why. It tasted like had a really sweet rasberry, fruity smell and taste...just like wine. I was really more surprised though towards the end of the night when I saw her drinking the beer with a straw..I even took out my Blackberry and took a picture of it:).
Weihenstephan is the beer that I drank. I think it is the best beer I have ever had. It is a wheat beer from Germany. Unfortunately, the quantity I drank, I left it in the middle of the highway on our way back, along with my burger and fries.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Somebody please stop them..

Here is a message from me about the elections:

Mr. Obama please, please stop the commercial which starts by saying "My mother died at 53 from cancer and the only thing she was thinking was how to pay her health expenses"

Mrs. Palin please, please stop taking your 6 month son to any public appearance you make. The baby is suffering, he does not need to suffer more by going to wherever you go.

ok, now it is off my chest:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I really can't think of a title right now

Here I am, having a class on Project Management. The professor is in China, he is teaching online and I am staring at my laptop screen, thinking what can I do right I decided to just share this thought on my blog, hoping that my professor will never read it.
So..let's talk about Best Buy. I went in there two days ago, just to look around..I love looking at the laptops and thinking which one I would buy if I had the money. In my 12 minutes in there, I had 5 or 6 salesmen approach us and and ask if we need any help. I appreciate their interest..but I also do not want to repeat myself.."No thank you, we are just looking around", "No thank you, we are just looking around", No thank you, we are just looking around" , "No thank you", "NOOOO".
What really struck me with Best Buy however was when I was doing some research last night and found out that Best Buy does customer profile segmenting. What do I mean by that? Best Buy identified 6 different customer profiles that visit their stores:
  • Affluent professionals
  • Active younger males
  • Family men who want technology to improve their lives
  • Busy suburban moms
  • Small-business customers
When Best Buy identifies a location to build a new store, they use their database to find out which of those customer segments is more likely to visit that store and they build the store in such a way to satisfy the needs of that specific segment and hire employees that are more likely to understand the needs of that segment. This technique has raised the returns of Best Buy. Brilliant, just brilliant! If you want more information you can read this article:

It is Thursday today, just 25 minutes before my last class and then the weekend startssssss..or maybe more meeting for the day, work today, work tomorrow morning, then physiotherapy, then another meeting, then i will take a break for some alcohol and then getting ready for my very big day on Monday!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mcama vs. Obain

I am not sure who "won" the debate on Friday. Most of the people said that Obama was the winner but the real winner will be the one who becomes the next president. For the time being here is what I think is going on:
Obama has been giving out an image that he is the type of person who is young, can bring change to this nation, a loving family guy with his wife and daughters probably being a sign to all the family voters. And here is how McCain responds. He selects the governor of Alaska to be his VP. Yes, the governor of Alaska. What does Sarah Palin bring into the equation for McCain..? She is the female Obama. Inexperienced, young, beautiful, loving mother with a 17-year old pregnant girl and a baby with the Down syndrome. And all of a sudden everything changes. The young mothers that would vote for Obama, hear Palin's first speech and they suddenly change their mind. McCain for President.
Now here is the reality..Most of the polls give Obama as the winner of the elections. The question is, are the people who participate in those surveys going to vote on that Tuesday of November? And somebody explain to me, why is U.S if not the only, probably one of the few countries of the world when the election is held on a Tuesday?? There must be a reason.
The market sucks, Dow Jones had the biggest drop ever in history two days ago, the job market is almost non-existent. Who will be the next president? We will find out in a few weeks.