Sunday, March 30, 2008

The reason we lost...

This blog post is dedicated especially to two of my blog fans..or actually to THE ONLY two blog fans I have...
I love you girls but you did not give us a chance to fairly compete on Friday. We got a 1-minute penalty because we ASSUMED that we were supposed to pop the balloons. We did not cheat..we assumed.
My objections also go for the questions you had up there.."Who was Charlize Theron engaged to?". WOW. It takes a lot of E! to know this answer. It is like I am asking you "Who was the point guard of Golden State Warriors in 1999"
I mean we even knew the questions and we could not get all the answers correct. How difficult were those questions?
Thriller by Michael Jackson? I was supposed to know that? I am supposed to know a song by some singer who was born in Gary, IN? about this question.. "Who was the lead singer for Eurovision in 1985?" Fair?
And what about the drink station? I tried putting rum in the water glass for team 3 and Erica wouldn't let me. Why, why, why??
I know you are probably laughing reading this..and I am too. I am just teasing with both of you..(even though I think we should have won). I had fun on Friday. Let's do it again soon. Melissa can you turn 26 soon?
Btw..let me not forget HIGHLIGHT of the night:
We are getting ready to leave and Molly decides that it is a good idea to put her cellphone in her camera case. I immediately turned to Nathan and told those words:
"I bet you anything in the world, she will wake up tomorrow and she will be looking all over her place for her cell-phone"
Three (3) minutes later we are in the car...and the phone rings...and guess what!! Molly cannot find it..she can't remember where she put it!!

Saturday night was fun too..well free drinks are always fun. Thanks to the MBAA Association for providing us with the drinks and to the committees who helped produce a great cultural event. It was fun to meet new people (especially Europeans) that I did not know that they were in the program.

New week tomorrow..great start with K507, followed by Market Research. 1 week left for the big presentation!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The burned popcorn

I always thought that I liked my popcorn a little bit burned. I guess that crispy sensation in my mouth had something to do with it. So I decided to burn my popcorn today. Molly was making fun of me of course but I didn't care. I wanted my popcorn burned so I left them in the microwave more than it required. In fact I left them in there more than I should have. And there it was. I had my burned popcorn and they were disgusting. But I had to eat them so I could prove to Molly that I liked them. Plus I bit my finger while eating because I was multitasking i.e playing on the computer. This was my bad popcorn experience of the day.

Feature story of the week
Molly and I are sitting on the couch on Wednesday night watching TV...and here it goes:

Molly: So the other day while I was driving, I was at the intersection of the library at the traffic lights when this car in front of me, started moving back. I guess it was a manual and you know how if you drive a manual they can move backwards when you don't hit the brake.
Alkis: what did you do?
Molly: I honked my horn politely.
Alkis: Huh..did he hit you?
Molly: A little bit.
Alkis: What did you do?
Molly: I went after him for a while and then came to pick you up..but I remember his license number
Alkis: Is the car damaged?
Molly: I don't think so but I didn't look very carefully.

4 days later..i.e right now
Alkis: Molly, what are the numbers of the car that hit you?
Molly: They are right over there..I wrote them on your book (she gets the book to me and reads the license plates)
Alkis: Did you check if he really hit you?
Molly: No, not yet

Another weekend is over..6 weeks left for the first year of school to be over. 38 school weeks left to finish the degree! One more year for Salamina in the 2nd more year with Panathinaikos not winning the title in Greece. Indiana Hoosiers eliminated from the first NCAA round from Arkansas. At least there was Man Utd to save the week.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Movie Rating

I am really amazed at myself lately. During the first semester here, I do not remember a single movie in which I did not fall asleep..let's not even go to the ones that I fell asleep before the 15th minute. But now..I have 6/6...Yes people, that is right..I watched 6 movies in a row without falling asleep. Here you go:

1) Mighty Heart: True story, interesting. 8/10
2) American Gangster: Brings something of Godfather (even though I never watched Godfather). 8.5/10
3) Michael Clayton: George Clooney is a real good actor. Plot was okay. A little bit confusing. 7/10
4) Gone Baby Gone: Nice plot..Casey Affleck trying to be a cool ex-gang criminal, not a good idea. Let me give you a lead on that one. Directed by older brother Ben Affleck. With a different actor, I could give it an 8..but I am sorry 6.5/10
5) Dan in Real Life: I really give credit to myself not sleeping through that. 4/10
6) Rendition: I really liked that one. It had some flaws but otherwise I believe an excellent movie. 9/10

Well, you can now tell how I spent my spring break which is over at the end of the week. I am not sure if I am really sad about that. I kind of miss school and something to do. Even though I did go to the gym two days in a row and spent 2 hours each day there. I am really proud of myself. What I am really not proud of is how World of Warcraft has taken over my life. I was sitting in our room today and I was looking outside when I saw something moving in the forest behind our apartment. My immediate reaction..: Take out the gun, press 9 and then attack to kill it using my double-hand axe.
Talking about it makes me want to play..Ciao people.

Friday, March 7, 2008


This is my second post where Molly is paying her comment about my "boring" blog.

I just found out what happens when you think too fast. Have a look below on what I found where else..on Facebook:

"Molly Zoeller added "The Godfathe I & IIr" to her favorite movies"

She was probably thinking of writing the "r" but then she got excited to write the "I & II" so she screwed up everything. It was kind of funny I thought.

Last night we went for Mexican and on the way back while I was driving I stopped at a traffic light behind a Nissan 3000GT. A nice car with the sign "3000GT" written across the back of the car. There was this moment of weird silence again before Molly spoke..

Molly: "This is freaking me out..oh my God, why do they have this the other way round?"
Alkis: "What are you talking about"
Molly: "That TGOOOE on the car in front of us"
Alkis: "You mean the 3000GT"
Molly: "Ooooohh" and after a couple of seconds of laughing out loud "You are going to write this on your blog aren't you?"
Alkis: "Oh yes...I will"

I am enjoying my Spring Break here. I move from the bed to the couch to the kitchen to the bathroom and back. It is snowing outside and it is cold. This is not springggggg:(