Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A couple of messages

I told myself that I will never say "I miss school".

But as you can see from the trend in this blog, after I graduated, my posts have become less and less frequent. I attribute this to three reasons:

1) I do not have as much free time as I had when I was at school. Or in other words, when I have free time now, I'd rather do something else

2) I don't feel like giving an update every now and then because most people know what I am up to.

3) I don't get any ideas on what to write. Actually I do get a lot of ideas but the fact that I decided that my blog will not be anonymous prevents me from writing things that I would like to write.

So I thought about closing down this blog. You know, deleting it, not having to think about it, not feeling guilty that I do not update it.

But I decided against it. It is going to stay where it is and I will only use it when I feel I need to write something. When I want to express my feelings. When I am angry.

Closing down here is my message of the day:

"You all assholes that are too lazy to walk 20m and park on the handicap parking spaces, just think (that is if your brain has anything in it) that maybe, I am just saying maybe one day you will be the ones needing those spaces"

And if you do not know who I am talking about... just drive around the airport and in the Mall of Cyprus and you will see what I am talking about.

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