Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On my knees

As the sun descended, I could barely keep walking. Fatigue has invaded me. I was not sure if I was physically or mentally tired; or both.

They had promised me that my destination was not far away. And once I got there, everything would be easier. I believed them and trusted them.

Meanwhile I had stopped looking for other destinations because I wanted the ONE. The one that would make me happier in the long term, but the more and more I did not find it, the more I believed that I shouldn't have taken this road. Regrets were messing now with fatigue, invading the few brain cells that remained. I had already fallen down a few times, but some angels picked me up and told me to go on. There was no time to lose. I was thinking of falling again, taking a break, a long one until who knows, maybe until the destination found me.

I reached deep inside my bag. Below my plastic bottle of water, there was another one. A big glass bottle with a brownish liquid that was half-full…or half-empty. I poured some of it in my plastic glass, took a sip and saw the label on the bottle. "Johnie Walker".

So, I kept walking.

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