Monday, May 25, 2009

A day at the park

Last Saturday we spent the whole day at Bryan park in Bloomington. It was a day full of events, good food, music and nice conversation. Many thanks to the Cypriot girls who invited us and organized this and of course to their parents who cooked all the good food. The menu included:

  • Makaronia tou fournou (or pastitsio)

  • Kioftedes (meatballs)

  • Koupepia (Stuffed grapeleaves)

  • Chicken

  • Tzatziki

  • Tahini

  • Pasta

  • Potatoes

  • Tyropita

  • Many others which I can't remember

Molly prepared and brought her tyropita. Unfortunately, because of being too full from the other food, I did not have the chance to try it. Judging however from the past, the speed that it was gone and the good comments, I am pretty sure that it was great!

Highlight of the day was of course my first interaction and my return to the football field after my back injury one year ago. Here is a picture of me kicking the ball, in my new league, with a new age group and a different gender:

I was still out of breath after playing with them for a while.

Overall, it was a really enjoyable day/night at Bloomington with good weather too. We had lots of fun.


Friday, May 22, 2009

My new baby!

Since last Monday I am the proud owner of a new baby! Ok, Ok, it is not what you think. I do not have any real babies..but I had to somehow catch your attention to in order to read this post. When I refer to my new baby I mean this:

Up to now I am really happy with it. My only concern is that the glossy keyboard gets a little dirty after using it but, I have my cloth to clean it off.
I still find it hard to separate with my old Toshiba, so in order to make the transition more smooth, I use both for a few (or many) hours of the day. Sometimes, I have them both turned on, playing games on one and surfing the net on the other. When that happens, Molly is usually looking for the internet cables, but since I have two laptops, I need both cables.
There are also certain restrictions about the laptops. No drink of any kind (alcoholic or not) are allowed to be close to the laptops in radius of 40cm. This area gives me the opportunity to save drinks from spilling on the laptop and enough time for me to lift up the laptops if somebody accidentally spills a drink (I have a suspicion that after saying this, I will spill my tea tomorrow).
Molly also thinks I am crazy about that. I probably am, but that is OK, because I love my new laptop!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The California trip

Day 1:

Arrived in San Diego around 1pm. Checked in at the new Hilton Bayfront, grabbed a Starbucks and started walking. The Red Bull Air race was taking place in San Diego during the weekend so there were a lot of pilots and a lot of free Red Bulls around. After a short walk in front of the beach, up and down the stairs of the Convention center we found ourselves on Gaslamp district, the historic district of San Diego.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant in Gaslamp District where the waiter/ owner praised a lot about the quality of their food. Nothing really special…

Day 2:

We started the day going on a hop-on hop-off bus. First sightseeing was Coronado Island, which was beautiful. We also stopped at the San Diego Zoo where we spent a few hours. The Zoo was really nice. Before I forget, this guy told me to send you his regards…

After the zoo we visited a small museum of art and then back on the bus for the Old Town of San Diego, through Little Italy. We had Mexican for lunch at the Old Town. It was a nice experience. We spent the rest of the evening at the mall, then had tea at a creperie on Gaslamp and then late dinner at the hotel.

Day 3:

After our morning coffee we walked to the Marriott to grab our rental car. Checked out from the Hilton and pressed the gas of the Ford Explorer, on our way to Beverly Hills. 2 hours and 20 minutes later we were checking in at the Tower Beverly Hills hotel. We met with my parents’ friend, had lunch and then went to her house in the heart of Beverly Hills for coffee. On the way we san the house of Frank Sinatra and Sharon Stone as well as the ex-house of the Sultan of Brunei now owned by the owner of Forever 21. Inthe evening we drove around Sunset Blvd and Hollywood, had dinner and returned to the hotel getting ready for the next day ahead.

Day 4:

We spent our day and afternoon at Universal Studios. It was a great experience. Jurassic Park, Shrek, Mummy Returns, Animal characters, Waterworld, Backdraft were some of the parks we visited. We also took the tour to see the famous Wysteria Lane. There is a picture of one of the houses.

Overall the Universal Studios was a great experience. A good experience was also the concept of Boiling Crab, the restaurant we went to afterwards. Based in Alhambra, LA this restaurant offers fish which you eat with your hands. You have to really get down and dirty in this restaurant. And your clothes and hands smell for the rest of the night, but yet another great experience.

Day 5:

Day 5 found us at Ventura County, shopping at the outlets. The women definitely loved it. I loved the way down there, going through Malibu beach and the sudden change of the beach view to mountain view to farm view.

On the way back we stopped at Malibu beach on a nice bar/ restaurant called Paradise Cove where we had appetizers (a lot of them) and cocktails.

By the time we were back in Beverly Hills it was time to sleep!

Day 6:

Another shopping day starting at a department store early in the morning, finishing at a really nice shopping area. Lots of shopping and many happy store owners.

After a brief return to the hotel, we went for a walk down Beverly Hills road and Rodeo Drive where all the upper-class stores are located. Dinner at Jacopo’s Pizzeria, final goodbyes and back to the hotel.

Day 7:

Since we had some time left before our flights, we decided to go on an early….guess what? Shopping! This was our last day and it was kind of sad to be leaving. Overall it was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again! Many many special thanks to my parents’ friend who restlessly showed us the best of Los Angeles, drove us around and treated us to some nice meals. Many many thanks to my parents who have treated us to this trip and throughout the trip and never miss a chance to show their love. I know they will be reading this, so..I love you mum and dad!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is it...

The IU adventure is over. It started in August 2007 with a Strategy class and it ended today with my last Finance exam. The taste is bittersweet. I am officially done with the MBA. I am a holder of a Master's degree and I am proud of the achievement. My mother always used to tell me that I should set goals in my life and try to achieve more checked!
Throughout this 21-month journey, I had the opportunity to meet very bright people, classmates who will be in top positions in the near future, classmates from whom I learned and classmates with whom I had fun. I had the opportunity to learn about new places on this earth and talk about mine. I had the opportunity to be taught by top faculty in one of the top business schools in the nation. I had the opportunity to work on projects for large corporations such as Cummins, Bank of America, Starbucks, Kraft etc. I had the opportunity to meet the other side of faculty. They were friends throughout this journey..always willing to help.

I went through stressful periods of times, anxiety, late nights working.

For periods I neglected my significant other. She was always there though and she never complained. She is a big factor in what I have achieved. Thank you Molly.

I also experienced moments of unfairness, moments of disrespect. These are the moments that I will leave behind.

It has been an interesting, fun, enjoyable journey. It is time to move to the "beyond" of the title.
The journey is over, the memories will stay forever.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Molly's Birthday

Molly turned 26 on Saturday so we decided to invite some friends over for some drinks and games. It was really fun and thanks to all those who made it down here. Molly and I appreciated it.
Ok, I've been very serious in this post up to let's start having some fun.
This is how birthday girl looked like at the end of the night:

Cute, smily and beautiful. And I am pretty sure that she asked for help to get out of that position.
Highlight of the night of course was Molly's definition of the word "Hawser". We were playing or "balderdash" and Molly gave this definition of the word "Hawser":

Hawser: The German conjugation for the 2nd person conjugation of a tree! Priceless definition!

Good times. Until next year...happy birthday Molly!