Thursday, April 10, 2008

Simple Math

Most of you who will read the next paragraph will not understand anything but I want to express how it feels to be a fan of a small team..

What if:
Salamina (as small team) reaches the semi-finals of the Cyprus final in the expense of Omonia:
- Less money for the TV station that will broadcast the game because of less demand, therefore lower revenue from commercials.
- Less money for the Cyprus Football Association because the Salamina stadium can only hold about 4500 spectators. Therefore the maximum money from tickets is about 76,500 Euros from which about 22,500 goes to the CFA.
- Probability of a not very interesting semi-final because of the low strength of Salamina

What if:
Omonia (as big team) reaches the semi-finals of the Cyprus final in the expense of Salamina:
- More money for the TV station that will broadcast the game because of higher demand, therefore higher revenue from commercials.
- More money for the CFA because Omonia stadium can hold about 25000 spectators. Therefore the maximum money from tickets is about 425,000 Euros. Considering that the stadium that Omonia uses belongs to the CFA, about 275,000 goes to CFA. 10 TIMES MORE THAN IF SALAMINA MADE IT THROUGH!
- Higher probability of a more interesting final because of Omonia's strengh.
- The revenues quoted above for the CFA could be doubled in the very decent possibility that Omonia makes the final instead of Salamina making it.

Let's see what happened at the games:
- Omonia equalized Ethnikos in the 5th of the 4 extra minutes added (you do the math here) with a penalty that was given against Ethnikos who unfairly played with a player less for about 40 minutes.
- Salamina was denied a penalty kick which was very similar to the one given to Omonia. People who did not watch the game have not heard or read anything about it.
- Apollonas and Salamina must be the most stupid teams in the league. While knowing that Omonia was down they could have arranged for Salamina to equalize and throw Omonia out of the cup. A win-win situation. Apollonas has one less strong team to face in the semi-final, Salamina goes through. AND YET THEY DIDN'T DO IT!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is the sadness of following Cyprus soccer.


Anonymous said...

Brother, i hope you are in less pain these days. As always Salamina was cheated - I think you fail to mention that on the 89th minute there was a crystal clear penalty (and a red card for omonias goalkeeper) that was not given. It reminds me of the final with apollonas- there is simply no way for us to win. But as always this adds to the charm of suppoting the underdog. I wore my salamina shirt from the apollonas final yesterday at kung-fu and wore it with pride.

Unknown said...

I have to disagree my dear Christos, it was not a penalty against Omonia, as i saw it from the TV, but this is not the point.Of course the referre was helping Omonia, and of course CFA didn't prefer Salamina to go throught and Omonia to stay out.But at the other hand we have to blame ourselves because we couldn't even get a draw.