Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My life in the last few weeks, my health insurance provider and the Champions League

Hello again! Sorry for not writing for so long but other concerns have been dominating my life. The biggest one..how to put my socks without bending my back and/or bringing my leg up. The pain is unbearable but I finally found the solution. I just tell Molly to do it for me. Sometimes I wonder how can she stand me for so long but I know she loves me..and I love her too because she is a wonderful person!
Another big problem is sitting in a chair for 3 hours a day and paying attention to class. When you have a back problem, sitting in a chair is believe me very uncomfortable and very painful. The solution..Vicodin. Not the best solution for a class where you need to pay attention.
The biggest problem of all however is sneezing. I am glad that I have prevented myself from sneezing in the last three weeks because the pain is terrible. The solution..I just close with my fingers!

Let's move on to my health insurance provider. When I came to the U.S, the University pretty much sent me a bill of about $600 and told me this is your health insurance provider: AETNA. I did not ask for them, and I was given no choice. And here we come to my problem today. In order to fix my life (see above) I need to have a surgery. There is ONLY ONE neurosurgeon in Bloomington and guess what..he is not in the preferred network of AETNA. So I called them to ask them if they would cover the expenses of my surgery. Here is how it went:
I dial the number and I get this lovely insurance representative on the phone. I asked her how much they would cover and she told me that they will only cover 50% because the doctor is not in their preferred network. And here is when the argument starts:
Alkis: "But he is the only neurosurgeon in town..what do you expect me to do?"
Lovely lady: "What is your zip code sir"
Alkis: "47401"
Lovely lady: "OK, hold on sir"
I wait for about 1 minute when she comes back to the phone.
Lovely lady: "Sir, there is a neurosurgeon in Columbus Indiana"
Alkis: "This is 40 miles away from here"
Lovely lady: "33.6 miles"
Alkis: "Yes, thank you very much. I am an international student at the school and I have no car to get to Columbus"
Lovely Lady: "The policy says that if there is a doctor within a 50 mile radius we cannot fully cover the expenses"
Alkis: "Again, do you realize that I did not choose this insurance company, I have no way to get to Columbus and I cannot sit in a car for more than 5 minutes. I have a ruptured disc"
Lovely lady: "I am sorry sir, there is nothing I can do"
Alkis: "Ok, I appreciate your help. Bye"

I did not leave it there however. I went to the University's Human Resources Department where I got to talk to a representative. Either the slowest person on earth, or she didn't give a shit about the situation or she was concerned about her lunch break. I explained to her the situation, and for the next ten minutes she was trying to get to a computer and show me the insurance brochure which I have already read and knew better than her. I explained to her again and she kept telling me other things. At about the 4th or 5th time, realizing that I would not leave from her office (and she would probably miss her lunch break) she told me that she would go talk to her director. She came back after 3-4 minutes and she told me that the director of the insurance company would be in town that night and she would talk to him and see if they can fully cover me. She promised to call me back today. It is 9.30pm now and if you have heard from her, so did I. And I know that when I call tomorrow to talk to her she would be in a "meeting" or she would not be available and she would call me later. I know the drill.
I already sent a complaint letter to the Office of International Students, to the Director of Graduate Services at Kelley Business School, I will send one to the Dean of the Students and I will file a complaint with the insurance company.

As far as the Champions League is concerned I hope that the UEFA makes a new rule that will not allow Chelsea and Liverpool to play against each other again. Those games have to be the most boring ever. They should be highly recommended to people with insomnia. The only reason I stayed awake today (and we are talking for 3pm) is the coffee that I was drinking. I counted 2 goal chances for Liverpool in the whole game and 1 for Chelsea. Final result 1-1.

That is it for today. I hope that the next time I write in this blog, my nerve will not be hitting my disc causing my leg to hurt like crazy. Until then Ciao.
And so that we don't forget..Glory glory Man United

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm glad you've decided to start taking the vicoden. that's a good step!