Saturday, January 10, 2009

...and back to the U.S

I had been so tired that I knew that I would sleep on the plane on my way back to the U.S. I shall know better next time that my wish to not get any babies close to my seat should be accompanied by a wish to not get any person who snores so LOUD while sleeping. And even though I had a good seat, even though I managed to sleep, every now and then I found myself awake thinking that somebody bombarded the plane. I was only going back to sleep after I made sure that it was really the person next to me snoring.

Heathrow Terminal 5 was not a very good experience. Lines for boarding pass check, lines for security check and then 8 hours of waiting for my flight. A flight which turned to be good. Nobody was sitting next to me, I had good leg space and I slept for the 5 of the 8 hours.

Next stop Chicago and customs check. Surprisingly it all went well. No problems, no questions and my bag made it to Chicago. They did not even require me to go through bag customs and open my bag. To my surprise everything was going well in that trip. I even got an Exit row seat for the next flight, which meant more leg space.

Arrival in Indianapolis at 9.40pm..10 minutes ahead of schedule. Molly is waiting for me and we are together waiting for my bag..which never shows up. I find it hard to believe that an airline can actually lose a bag from Chicago to Indianapolis happens. The baggage claim guy is very polite but he only asks me for the color of my bag. I figure out that they must have a system in which they know the TYPE of the bag and that is why he does not ask for further details. Molly insists that my bag is grey and I insist it is Dark Green..

After a call to AA to make sure that they have the right type of bag and 26 hours, my bag is returned and my trip is officially over! Back in Bloomington and ready for a new semester.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm gonna have to see it in person before i can make a good call on the color of the bag. bring it saturday.