Friday, May 25, 2007

Random things about me

1. I was born and raised in Nicosia, Cyprus. When people ask me however I say I am from Famagusta, the city of my parents which is now occupied by Turkey.

2. I lived in the U.S for about 6 years. When people here asked me where I am from, I used to say Greece because nobody knew where Cyprus was. I now decided that it would be more beneficial to educate them and just say Cyprus and explain to them where it is.

3. I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Operations Management and an MBA in Marketing and Decision Support modeling.

4. I speak my mind. I am not afraid to say what I think. Sometimes this has forced people to tell me that I am rude and impolite.

5. I can usually tell when people are faking.

6. My favorite moment is being with my girlfriend on the beach on a Saturday early morning drinking frappe and reading the newspaper.

7. I love every occasion where I get to spend time with my family.

8. I do not make friends easily. My three best friends I have known for 28, 26 and 15 years respectively.

9. I like watching my favorite football/ soccer teams on TV or live from the stadium.

10. The idea of a perfect afternoon is coffee with family or friends.

11. The idea of a second perfect afternoon is going to a football game.

12. Even though I love business stuff, I find it hard to read a whole article in a newspaper.

13. I believe that people who say that they do not regret anything in their lives are people who want to feel good about themselves.

14. I have a weird addiction with Microsoft Excel. I am an Excel geek and try to solve any business problem in an Excel model.

15. I had the opportunity to be one of the few Greek fans to have attended the group games of Greece in the Euro 2004 competition in Portugal.

16. At the same time, I had the opportunity to meet with Greek national players (later European champions) at a club/ casino.

17. The most memorable concert I ever attended was the Scorpions/ Whitesnake in Chicago.

18. San Diego is the most beautiful city I have visited. Green, clean, laid back, polite people.

19. I feel blessed by having wonderful parents and a great family.

20. I am lucky to have met Molly. She has changed my life to the better.

21. I am a dog person. I love small dogs and especially Chihuhauas.

22. I saved all the Panathinaikos newspapers I bought from 1994-1997 (about 400).

23. I have had 4 surgeries up to date (knee (2), back, appendix).

24. I like most fruit, but I will rarely eat them unless somebody brings them in front of me.

25. I used to smoke from 2001 to 2004, quit for two years, started again for about two years. I am now clean for about 1.5 year with random exceptions.

26. Sometimes I feel I have ADD, but again I believe that all of us have ADD to some extent.

27. My favorite author is James Patterson. I read about 35 of his books.

28. The mistakes I make are my best lesson to not repeat them.

29. I do not like science fiction movies/ shows.

30. I was a very stubborn and naughty child. I am still stubborn to this date.

31. I hate it when people text and drive…even though I do it myself sometimes.

32. My favorite food is kioftedes with pillafi and yoghurt, and souvlakia.